The current pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we live our lives in the Philippines. Considering how we cannot go out often without compromising ourselves and our loved ones, most of us have tried to get used to living indoors in any way we can. Considering the climate of the country, indoor living can be a hassle when the weather alternates between searing hot and cold, not to mention pervasive dampness. That’s why many of us opted to get HVAC installation for a consistent environment indoors.

Indeed, air conditioning can really alleviate many problems that we face while living in a tropical country. However, as it is almost a year since we’ve been living like this, our HVAC systems are understandably overworked. Here are ways that you can help maintain your HVAC systems and keep them from being too “stressed out” to work.


Clean the filter Regularly

The air filter is the part of the AC unit that keeps grease, pollen, dust and other contaminants from circulating within your household. After a while, this filter will get clogged up. If you’ve ever used a fan inside your house, you’ll notice how dust and other small debris get stuck in the fan cage. This is what will happen to an air filter after a while, and if it’s too clogged up, then the HVAC’s efficiency will decrease. Make sure that you clean it up often so that your AC unit does not expend too much energy trying to cool the house.


Plug Up Your Room’s Holes and Maintain Good Ventilation

Make sure that all the holes and recesses of your home are plugged so that the air conditioning does not leak out and lose its effectiveness. Make sure that the rooms affected by your AC unit are well contained, but also have proper ventilation. Cold air without circulation becomes stale after a while, so having proper ventilation to accompany your AC unit is good.


Schedule a Check-Up every Now and Then


Summer is a hot month, and summer in the Philippines is fast approaching. If you want to make sure that your units do not overwork themselves and instead maintain a steady and reliable cool air service, you should consider having your HVAC unit regularly checked by professionals, such as GDY Airtech Enterprises. They perform a lot of HVAC and automotive air conditioning installation/maintenance services, and would be glad to assist you in all your HVAC needs.