Ever since the pandemic began, personal hygiene and the cleanliness of our environment has How Furniture and Appliances Affect Air Quality at Home become an immediate concern for many people. Because of this, many people, especially in large urban areas like Davao City, have begun committing to measures that can keep the air around them clean and less likely to cause contamination, from the virus or elsewhere. For example, availers of car air conditioning in Davao City have begun cleaning up their car interiors more regularly in order to prevent infection from the inside of their vehicles. For the inside of the household, however, this becomes more complicated, especially when considering the various factors that affect your house’s interior air quality. Here are some things to consider.


Humidity from Plants and Leaks

Water can seep into a household due to uncovered holes in the walls and ceilings, allowing for rainwater to cause dampness to enter the house. Similarly, evapotranspiration from plants can increase humidity in the house if not properly taken care of. Humidity can cause molds or fungi to develop, while also causing the air to be generally stuffy. Air purifiers are one way to combat this issue, along with general cleanup and home repair.


Old Furniture and Furnishings

While furniture has a habit of accumulating dust if you don’t clean it up often, some forms of furniture and furnishings can cause interior air quality to deteriorate, especially old materials. Furniture off-gassing is the phenomenon when certain materials release chemical vapors over the years, slowly polluting the inside of your house, which can trigger respiratory diseases. Make sure that your furniture is clean and environmentally friendly.


Plugged Appliances

Your indoor appliances produce carbon emissions, and may even heat up your indoors if you leave them open for too long. Also, if a closed appliance is still plugged in, it consumes electricity in a phenomenon known as standby power or vampire power. We’re all indoors most of the time due to the pandemic, but make sure not to let your appliances run for too long every day. Make sure to unplug them when they aren’t being used.

The air quality of our interior spaces is important, be it the house that you live in or the vehicle that you drive. Indeed, car air conditioning services in Davao City like GDY Airtech Enterprises can provide you with a safe and clean AC unit for those necessary travels in this challenging time.