The Philippine climate fluctuates between dry and humid, where the days alternate between rain and heat. While the rain has the benefit of watering crops and cleansing the dust of the earth, the heat can be quite troublesome, especially during the dry season. There’s a good reason why shopping malls are still quite popular here in the Philippines, because of the air conditioning that they provide.

However, with the pandemic reducing the bustle of shopping malls nationwide, home-base HVAC installations and vehicle AC are our primary means of getting cool air. However, in the case of vehicle AC, the heat outside can still affect the inside of your vehicle.

The Greenhouse Effect

When light enters the vehicle, it stays behind as heat that lingers on the surfaces within. Because this heat cannot escape, it stays inside and makes the vehicle’s interior cabin feel clammy and uncomfortable.This miniature greenhouse effect is comparable to the current issue of climate change, in how the sun’s rays cannot exit the atmosphere.

What Are the Effects of Excess Heat Inside the Car?

General discomfort: As mentioned above, extra heat in the car makes it feel clammy, dizzying and generally unpleasant on the skin. While the air may feel cool, the rays of heat that pass through the glass can make the cold feel less refreshing.
Overwork the air conditioning: when the weather outside is really hot, the air conditioning of a car has to work overtime, so to speak, as more often than not you turn up the AC because of the heat.

How Do You Mitigate This Issue?


Tint your windows: When your windows are tinted, less passes through them, which equals to less heat being retained inside.
Park in less sunny areas: When you’re parking your vehicle somewhere, make sure that it’s as far away from direct sunlight as possible.

Get your air conditioning checked often: The HVAC equipment in your vehicle needs to be regularly checked for maintenance. Good, long-lasting air conditioning can be achieved by making sure that its interior is clean and without any dust and debris.