The current pandemic has changed the way we conduct our regular way of living, and with lockdowns and quarantines coming back in full force after weeks or relative freedom, more changes will come to pass before the year ends.

In times like this, being idle and ignorant of how your regular household appliances work is not the best way to spend your time indoors. Understanding how your equipment works ensures that you know what to do when it breaks down or begins to act up. Take the refrigerator, for example. Whether you’re using an industrial or commercial refrigerator in Davao City, it’s important that you maintain its quality and effectiveness. Here are a few simple tips for basic refrigerator maintenance.


Check your Gaskets

Your gaskets are what keeps your refrigerator’s cold interior air stay inside. For refrigerators, the gaskets are placed along the outer edge of the fridge, a rubbery material that stops hot air from entering and cold air from escaping. If your Gaskets are stained by sticky foods (like jam) or made brittle by lack of care, they might crack and become unable to contain the fridge’s coolness, greatly wasting electricity. Make sure to regularly clean your gaskets and inspect them for stains and tears.


Clean your condenser coils

Your condenser coils is kind of like the respiratory system of your refrigerator, but instead of carbon dioxide, it’s heat. Interior heat is expelled through the condenser coils, and if dust, hair and other small things clog the coils, then the heat is not properly removed, causing the fridge to expend more energy cooling its insides. Make sure to clean up your coils every few months, and probably half that time if you have dogs and other hairy animals living inside the house.


Not too filled up or too empty

As providers of industrial refrigerators in Davao City, we recommend that your refrigerators follow the middle path of interior sizes. If your fridge is too packed, then it needs to work harder and spills/stains will become more frequent. However, if it is too vacant, then the fridge will not have enough “thermal mass” to maintain its cold temperatures, as the food that you put inside also regulates the warm air that enters your fridge when you open it for a midnight snack. Make sure that it’s never too full or too empty.